Shipping service for online shops

Your customer orders, we take care of the rest

As a shop operator, you already have enough work. We offer the pac4you ecommerce service for all common online shops and for senders who work with Amazon or ebay. This provides integrations with your shop that make the ordering and shipping process seamless and automated.

This means that we take care of the fulfilment part of your orders.

We take over all the work steps that occur after the order is received in your online shop. Starting with taking over the orders and assembling the goods through to fast shipping with shipment tracking.

Outsource fulfilment

Three decisive advantages for you

  1. safe storage of goods
  2. highly efficient shipping system
  3. connection to almost all shop systems
Employees pack their goods in the warehouse

Incoming goods management

Every incoming good is checked for quality and quantity and stored. For the delivery of international freight containers, we offer the special container unloading service.

Our storage system is alarm-secured and consists of various components. Storage elements such as shelving, pallet high racks, archive systems and block storage offer optimal conditions for storing many types of goods.

Goods movements and stocks are recorded in the electronic warehouse management system. The current stocks can be retrieved at any time in an inventory-safe manner.

Data from your shop into our merchandise management system

The heart of our company is the fulfilment software JTL-WMS (Warehouse Management System). It allows a complete overview of all warehouse stocks, additions and disposals at any time.

The system is multi-client capable and can also be accessed remotely if you wish. This means you can access your item stocks and fulfilment processes at any time. With direct data transfer from your shop system, the orders and customer data are transferred to the pac4you merchandise management system.

Ready-made interfaces are available for these shop systems

  • JTL-Shop 5
  • Shopware 5 and 6
  • Gambio
  • PrestaShop
  • Oxid eShop
  • Modified eCommerce (OS Commerce fork)
  • Shopify 
  • WooCommerce

We can also take data from these providers

  • Amazon
  • ebay
  • Zalando

Fulfilment: Software JTL WMS WarehouseManagementSystem

You use a different shop system?
No problem.

Our software experts will be happy to prepare the appropriate interface. Experience from numerous software projects makes it possible. Ask us!

Pack and ship

We assemble, pack and ship the consignments. Based on the transmitted orders, the WaWi (merchandise management software) generates the pick lists. From these, our experienced employees put together the packages and parcels for dispatch. As far as possible, we use ecological shipping materials.

Our preferred shipping service providers are DHL and UPS.


The stations of the shipping service

  • WaWi Warehouse Management
  • WMS Warehouse Management
  • Secure process up to packing
  • Creation of shipping documents
  • Handover to the shipping service provider


Incoming goods inspection

  • Incoming goods inspection
  • Quality inspection
  • Quantity inspection
  • Incoming goods reports
Worker takes over incoming goods inspection

Precise work is already required at goods receipt. We check whether the delivery quantities correspond to the parts lists and carry out random quality checks.

Warehouse logistics

  • effective security and alarm systems
  • insured stocks
  • diverse storage systems
  • permanent inventory and stock reports
Forklift truck in the warehouse

Plate storage spaces, high-bay storage and much more. We have the sensible storage option for all types of goods.

Shipment of goods

  • worldwide shipping, customs clearance
  • ecological packaging
  • individual enclosures
  • shipment tracking
Worker packing goods for an online shop

Packing an order of an online shop. Using pick lists, the packages are put together from the transmitted order data and made ready for dispatch.

Returns management

If you sell, you also have to manage returns. The right of return in online trade makes life difficult for some traders. Here, too, you have a professional partner at your side with pac4you.

Are the goods too big or too small? Is the item damaged?

Returns handling at a glance

  • Acceptance of the returned goods
  • Inspection for defects and damage
  • Return to stock
  • Repairs or disposal measures

    Workers check return
    Anfrage_Standard EN

    pac4you GmbH
    Am Gläschen 23
    04420 Markranstädt, Germany